
What are the activities and programmes of our organization?

PCPF is engaged in the following noble activities for the uplift of the under privileged communities in Pakistan. Under mentioned is the brief account of some projects run by PCPF.
Working for the Environment and Biodiversity Progremme:
The environmental field has experienced a major transition in the past 10 years. Conservation finance, community resource management and the creation of “low impact” businesses are just a few of the unique approaches taking shape. Governments, corporations, and citizen groups around the Pakistan are using technological innovation and community resources to gain a foothold on environmental sustainability and Initiatives developed by PCPF Fellows are succeeding in preserving natural resources, creating options for more sustainable urban design, and in holding land developers accountable to environmental regulation. In response to these successes, identifies and disseminates the guiding principles and best practices demonstrated, PCPF working on environmental issues in Pakistan. PCPF has developed a strategy to provide the Pakistani citizen sector, government, and industry with the tools and training to get involved, clean up, and protect the natural resources of Pakistan .PCPF ensures that existing environmental law is fully understood and actively enforced by the nation's judicial authorities. His strategy, which encompasses training, public education, and litigation, has already brought to the Pakistan environmental movement a new level of sophistication and impact, in the fields of biodiversity conservation and sustainable, PCPF Educate the general public in the country regarding biodiversity, and social issues with a view to changing their attitudes towards positive, sensible and responsible actions towards nature. PCPF help protect, preserve, conserve, manage and sustainably utilize wildlife and their habitats in the country and to provide a platform for the public in general and the professionals in particular to share their wildlife related experiences and ideas and make these accessible to students, researchers, policy makers, administrators and general public. Our mission is to work for the conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of sustainable development. We do so through advocacy, networking with and influencing decision makers, implementing national and transnational projects, and by carrying out capacity building and raising awareness activities, PCPF also, Over-exploitation of natural resources, the extinction of animal and plant species, destruction of natural environments, climate change, pollution: the pressures on biodiversity are increasing and its degradation continues, with a considerable impact on populations and economies. The Covid-19 crisis has cast our relationship with nature into even sharper relief, and calls on us to alter our course of action.A priority just as crucial as the climate, protecting biodiversity is central to PCPF actions. To halt the loss of biodiversity and protect ecosystems, PCPF is supporting the restoration and sustainable management of natural areas, with and for the benefit of local populations. PCPF integrates this dimension in all its development policies .
Human rights& Humanitarian Aid:
In PCPF we have a motto. We don’t believe in miracles, we rely on them. We really do have God of miracles. When we visit victims of repression, cut off from all aid and advocacy, there are moments when we feel as devastated as the scene around us; there are times when we wonder what difference we can make. But then we come across miracles of Grace. We seek to respond to the needs of the Pakistan in word and deed. We believe in love in action. That our work has been enabled to grow is an indication that God has blessed it and as we continue to respond to the challenge of a growing workload, we need growing resources. So please pray, act and help and join with us. The little we have goes a very long way in the hands of our great redeeming God.
To create an awareness of education among the deprived communities to develop respectable and better living standards and think for a bright future. Pakistan Community Peace Foundation is achieving its goal to promote the education. In our Education program We provide all necessary needs and assistance to helpless and needy children i.e. all sort of help to get admission in schools and colleges and assist them in form of monthly fees, uniforms text books and stationary, pick and drop facility to the student. At present PCPF is supporting the 135 street children for their education and 250 students in different schools of Rawalpindi, Pasrur, Sialkot, Wah cantt and Lahore. By the Grace of God PCPF is now running the Eight Free tuition centers, Four Primary Schools and One High school in the Rawalpindi (twin city of Islamabad). PCPF is running the educational projects in the different slum areas where the need is much appreciated.
Relief, Rehabilitation and Development.
This component relates to socio-economic development, where balanced and objective approach is evolved to reduce poverty, which is the main cause of unrest and all other evils and emphasis is given in identifying snags and bottlenecks hindering growth in various sectors. In this regard the organization is actively involved in relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction work in the earthquake affected areas of Pakistan. Moreover, PCPF is also implementing health and sanitation project in the rural areas of North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan. Under this component the organization is addressing wide range of issues which include health, education, environment, human rights and food and shelter to achieve accelerated and sustainable development in such vital social economic sector.
Food and Agriculture Development program.
Although Pakistan is basically agricultural country and 80% people are currently working, occupied in the agriculture field. There are many people who are working in the field of agriculture for them but it is very difficult for them keep both ends meet. After a team-survey of PCPF we initially started this program to provide the food for deserving community. Agriculture is an integral part of Culture as a whole, Agriculture is feeding a number of industries likes textile mills, flour mills, sugar mills, oil mills and cigarette Factories, i.e. these industries are based on agricultural produce of cotton, wheat, sugarcane, beans, and tobacco, respectively. Pakistan is already concentrating on good quality and higher agricultural production of these cash crops. We still need to do a lot in this sector. Under food and agricultural development program; PCPF finds the land and cultivates it with different cash crops with the help of well established/rich families and devoted youth. Through this program PCPF is also contributing to provide jobs to the jobless young people. PCPF provides food to the deserving /poor families within its capacity. The Foundation is running food supply projects in three villages of District Sialkot; which are called PCPF shelter houses. These slum areas are suffering from a high ratio of Poor families.
Health care Program:
Pakistan is one of those countries where a large number of communities including minorities are deprived of most of the basic needs such as proper food, clothing and shelter. This directly affects the health of these communities and gives rise to health care problems. One of our basic aims is that we arrange for the medical facility to the deserving and the poor who cannot afford the expenses for their medical treatment. PCPF provides free medicines and treatment to the poor and needy people at its health care clinics in the slum areas of wah cantt, Faisalabad and Islamabad. For sustainability PCPF have the two more clinics from where we charge nominal fees from the people who can pay; and use this amount for the needy and deserving people. PCPF is running the three medical clinics, mentioned earlier, on the non-profit base. We also organize free medical camps in different urban and rural areas where the medical facility is not available and the community is an immediate need of such facility. The medical graduates and volunteer staff are participating enthusiastically in these medical camps.
Women Development Program:
Pakistan Community Peace Foundation has 750 General members, where registered number of women is 350 . PCPF provides a good opportunity for these registered females to perform more effective role for the different problems of the women and their gradual social development throughout the whole community. We help socially, morally and economically the widows, divorcees, and wives of the disabled persons, we are also arranging for these women’s vocational training in different institutes of the country.
We also have started the vocational institute for the Pakistani poor women and young girls for making them skilled for the betterment of their future. By the grace of the God we have four vocational centers, in different rural areas and two are working in the urban areas of Punjab province. From these projects PCPF is able to give the employment to the unemployed young women/girls, so that they can work, learn and earn to supplement the income of their family. Development for Youth in Pakistan: To guide, support and encourage youth to work for their development at particular places in Pakistan. We are also trying to work for the betterment of the youths of our country and for this very purpose we are educating the people at grass root level and making them aware that owing to lack of basic education they are being exploited by various groups, organizations and even the local Mafia for their own ulterior motives. Illiteracy is the main cause of their miserable conditions.
Development for Youth in Pakistan:
To guide, support and encourage youth to work for their development at particular places in Pakistan. We are also trying to work for the betterment of the youths of our country and for this very purpose we are educating the people at grass root level and making them aware that owing to lack of basic education they are being exploited by various groups, organizations and even the local Mafia for their own ulterior motives. Illiteracy is the main cause of their miserable conditions.
Utilizing the Legal Framewtanrk
PCPF has developed a strategy to provide the Pakistani citizen sector, government, and industry with the tools and training to get involved, clean up, and protect the natural resources of Pakistan .PCPF ensures that existing environmental law is fully understood and actively enforced by the nation's judicial authorities. His strategy, which encompasses training, public education, and litigation, has already brought to the Pakistan environmental movement a new level of sophistication and impact.


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